Projects: Hope for Congo foundation.

The Democratic Republic of the Congo has been one of the most unstable African states since independence was sealed in the 1960s. The cruel and bloody civil war that continues to unsettle this African nation has often been called the world's deadliest humanitarian crisis of the 21st century. As is often the case, children and women  are at the very heart of the human tragedy that has unfolded in the DRC. Hundreds of thousands have been displaced, orphaned and killed. 

Hope for Congo foundations  objective is to try and ease even just a little the suffering of children and women in the eastern part of Congo Kinshasa. We are therefore collecting things and ressources from well wishers in Danmark and send them to people in need in the eastern part of Congo.

Rich in natural resources but lacking stability, the Democratic Republic of the Congo  was established as a Belgian colony in 1908. In June 1960, the DRC achieved independence from Belgium. Since then, the country has been marked by a history of war and corruption.

Joseph Mobutu seized power in a military coup in 1965 and changed the country's name from "Republic of the Congo" to Zaire. In 1997, Mobutu's regime was overthrown by a rebellion and the country's name was changed again - this time to "Democratic Republic of the Congo". The DRC has remained politically unstable, as conflict and human rights abuses continue.

The DRC is home to an estimated 71 million people. Although rich in natural resources, the Congolese people are among the poorest in Africa. According to estimates, millions have died either directly or indirectly as a result of the on-going conflict.

For the last 17 years, over 8 millions people have died, about 48 women are raped every hour in that part of the world. 
People are subjected to unhuman conditions of living, children are forced in working in the mining sector, in the military and diferent militias groups, this had made their  lives difficult and the future of that nation is at stake.

It has been said that Congo is the most dangerous place for girl child and women in the entire world, because of the barbaric and non human conditions of living they are forced to live in. 

The united nations has the largest presence of peace keepers in the entire world working in that erea, but it has not changed anything. human right violation is escalating on a daily basis... you can do something just to easy the suffering for these poor people. 

There is need for medical equipment and drags, most of these wild beast who rape these innoncent  women, kill them, and those who survive, if they are lucky are brought to hospitals which have no equipments to serve them.   

These children are forced into mining, and do not earn anythin in the process, this is purelly slavery, the minaral used to make many eloctronics gadgets are from this part of the world, this has denied the congolese child even an opportunity to go to school like any other child.

Those who fled from this situation and can not afford school fees, and most schools have no infrastracture, leave alone teaching materials,
You can make a change by assisting these children with anything you can: a computer, a pen, a pencil, exercise book, toys, bicyle, etc...

Women need a second chance, most of them are being subjected to humiliation and stigma, after being raped, others are being abandoned by their own. they need to start again their lives, they need skills, training in professional activities, computer, tailloring, farming, etc... you can assist them by anything and you will make a difference however smal it may be.

To support these activities above  you can contact us on the adress below.
Elijah Ruboneka 
0045 71 32 31 29
email :